Review | Legit or Scam? is a recently established online payment platform that launched on October 9th, 2023. The company positions itself as a solar installation and maintenance service provider, primarily catering to both individual customers and businesses.

How to Join

Joining is a straightforward process:

  1. Register an Account: Start by registering an account using the provided registration link.
  2. Fund Your Account: After successful registration, deposit the amount you intend to invest into your account.
  3. Invest in an Investment Plan: Choose an investment plan that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.
  4. Withdraw Your Earnings: The platform allows you to withdraw your earnings at any time, without the need for referrals.

How to Make Money on offers an opportunity to earn income with an initial investment of as low as ₦500. Here’s how it works:

  • Registration Fee: ₦500
  • Daily Income: ₦100
  • Plan Validity: 15 days
  • Total Profit: ₦1,500

You can invest in various plans, each offering a different daily income:

  • SOLAR POWER: ₦100 daily, for 15 days, requiring an investment of ₦500.
  • EDUCATION: ₦20,000 daily, for 15 days, with an investment of ₦100,000.
  • RESOURCES: ₦10,000 daily, for 15 days, requiring an investment of ₦50,000.
  • ELECTRICITY: ₦2,400 daily, for 15 days, with an investment of ₦12,000.
  • GADGET: ₦1,400 daily, for 15 days, with an investment of ₦7,000.
  • POWER: ₦1,120 daily, for 15 days, requiring an investment of ₦5,600.
  • AUTOMOBILE: ₦520 daily, for 15 days, with an investment of ₦2,500.
  • AGRO: ₦340 daily, for 15 days, requiring an investment of ₦1,700.
  • LIVESTOCK: ₦30,000 daily, for 15 days, with an investment of ₦150,000.

Making Money through Referrals also provides the opportunity to earn through its referral program:

  1. First-Level Referrals: You can earn 20% of the total purchases made by members you directly refer.
  2. Second-Level Referrals: You receive 5% from members referred by your direct referrals.
  3. Third-Level Referrals: You get 1% from members referred by your second-level referrals.

It’s important to note that newly joined members must have at least ₦100 in their accounts for you to receive referral income from them. Additionally, only the person one level above will receive the referral income for such members.

Is Legit or a Scam? operates as a ponzi scheme. The platform’s success relies on new members joining and investing, which then funds the returns for earlier members. This type of scheme can be highly lucrative for early participants but carries significant risks for those who join later. The sooner you join, the better your chances of making money. However, it’s essential to approach such schemes with caution, as they can be unstable and lead to financial losses if they collapse. Remember that all investments carry risk, and it’s crucial to do your own research and exercise prudence when considering any investment opportunity.

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