Review | Legit or Scam?

In the bustling world of 2024, where individuals are fervently seeking opportunities to boost their income, emerges as a new player in the field of online money-making platforms. Positioned as a task-to-earn platform, claims to function as an ecosystem connecting advertisers with publishers. But what exactly is, and how can it be a potential source of income for you?

How to Join

Getting started with is a straightforward process. To join this platform and potentially unlock a stream of income, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the Website: Head to and explore the platform’s offerings.
  2. Registration: Sign up as a publisher on Goviral by providing the necessary details.
  3. Task Performance: Once registered, engage in tasks provided by advertisers on the platform. These tasks can include viewing advertisements and completing various activities.

By following these steps, you’ll become part of the Goviral community and be ready to explore the potential for earning money.

How to Make Money on

The primary way to earn on is by being an active publisher. Publishers can earn money through:

  1. Viewing Advertisements: rewards publishers for viewing advertisements. Advertisers pay for exposure, and you get a share of the earnings.
  2. Task Completion: Engage in tasks provided by advertisers. These tasks could vary and might include promoting products or services.
  3. Partnership Packages: offers partnership packages – Director and Manager – allowing you to earn more based on your level of commitment. Investment Plans introduces two partnership packages: Advert Manager and Advert Director. Here’s a breakdown of each:

Advert Manager

  • Partnership Fee: ₦4,000
  • Viral Trend Earnings: ₦1,000
  • Ads Extraction Earnings: ₦500
  • Monthly Earnings: ₦45,000
  • Referral Bonus: ₦3,000
  • Indirect Referral: ₦200

Advert Director

  • Partnership Fee: ₦8,000
  • Viral Trend Earnings: ₦3,000
  • Ads Extraction Earnings: ₦500
  • Monthly Earnings: ₦105,000
  • Referral Bonus: ₦6,000
  • Indirect Referral: ₦500

In addition to the partnership earnings, participants can explore additional avenues for income such as raffle draws, star progress, face of Goviral, TikTok challenges, and more.

Make Money on Through Referrals

One notable feature of is its emphasis on referral bonuses. By referring others to register under your name, you stand to earn commissions. The platform rewards you for successfully bringing in new participants who pay the partnership fee. This adds an extra layer of earning potential for proactive members.

Is Legit or Scam?

The legitimacy of online platforms is a crucial concern, and is no exception. To determine its credibility, consider the following factors:

  1. Earning Structure: outlines clear partnership packages and earnings, providing transparency in its payment system.
  2. Website Information: While the owner’s name is hidden in the Whois, the platform provides detailed information about its domain registration date and daily visits.
  3. User Experiences: Seek reviews and testimonials from individuals who have used to gauge real-world experiences.
  4. Referral System: The platform’s reliance on a referral system for substantial earnings may raise questions. However, this is a common strategy in many legitimate affiliate marketing programs.v

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