iff-scent.com Review | Legit or Scam?

IFF-Scent.com, short for International Flavors and Fragrances, presents itself as an innovative platform designed to empower individuals and families financially. This platform claims to offer a unique opportunity to generate income through various means, including product fixed income, invitation bonuses, and team commissions.

How to Join IFF-Scent.com

Getting started with IFF-Scent.com is relatively straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to join:

  1. Click on the Registration Link: Visit the IFF-Scent.com website and locate the registration link.
  2. Enter Your Phone Number: Provide your phone number, which will be used for verification purposes.
  3. Verify Your Phone: You will receive an SMS containing a verification code. Enter this code to confirm your identity.
  4. Set Your Login Password: Create a secure login password, using a combination of uppercase letters and numbers.
  5. Click Register: Confirm your registration by clicking the ‘Register’ button.

How to Make Money on IFF-Scent.com

IFF-Scent.com offers several avenues to generate income:

Product Fixed Income

You can increase your regular income by purchasing products on the platform. The higher the product grade, the higher the daily rate of return and total rate of return. Here are some examples:

  • IF-001 (₦2000): Earn ₦100 per day, with a contract period of 32 days, totaling ₦3200.
  • IF-002 (₦8000): Earn ₦416 every day, with a contract period of 32 days, totaling ₦13312.
  • IF-003 (₦16000): Earn ₦864 every day, with a contract period of 32 days, totaling ₦27648.
  • IF-004 (₦25000): Earn ₦1375 every day, with a contract period of 32 days, totaling ₦44000.

Invitation Bonuses

You can also earn by inviting friends to join IFF-Scent.com. The more friends you invite, the higher your bonuses. The invitation bonus varies depending on the product your friend purchases.

Team Commissions

Building a team and inviting others can increase your income through referral rewards and team commissions. Commission rates depend on your team’s size and the product grades your team members purchase.

Building a team can significantly boost your income on IFF-Scent.com. As your team grows, so does your commission. There are different levels within your team, each offering varying commission rates. The larger your team and the higher the product grade they purchase, the more you can earn.

IFF-Scent.com Investment Plans

IFF-Scent.com offers a range of investment plans, allowing members to choose the one that suits their financial goals. Remember that higher product grades lead to higher returns. It’s important to carefully consider your investment strategy based on your financial capacity and risk tolerance.


  • Price(₦): 2000
  • Daily income(₦): 104
  • Validity period(Days): 30
  • Total income(₦): 3,120.00


  • Price(₦): 8000
  • Daily income(₦): 448
  • Validity period(Days): 35
  • Total income(₦): 15,680.00


  • Price(₦): 18000
  • Daily income(₦): 1062
  • Validity period(Days): 38
  • Total income(₦): 40,356.00


  • Price(₦): 36000
  • Daily income(₦): 2232
  • Validity period(Days): 41
  • Total income(₦): 91,512.00


  • Price(₦): 68000
  • Daily income(₦): 4352
  • Validity period(Days): 43
  • Total income(₦): 187,136.00


  • Price(₦): 92000
  • Daily income(₦): 6072
  • Validity period(Days): 45
  • Total income(₦): 273,240.00


  • Price(₦): 6000
  • Daily income(₦): 312
  • Validity period(Days): 33
  • Total income(₦): 10,296.00


  • Price(₦): 13000
  • Daily income(₦): 715
  • Validity period(Days): 34
  • Total income(₦): 24,310.00


  • Price(₦): 32000
  • Daily income(₦): 1824
  • Validity period(Days): 35
  • Total income(₦): 63,840.00


  • Price(₦): 55000
  • Daily income(₦): 3190
  • Validity period(Days): 36
  • Total income(₦): 114,840.00

Make Money on IFF-Scent.com Through Referrals

Referrals are a key component of earning on IFF-Scent.com. Building a network of like-minded individuals who are interested in financial empowerment can significantly impact your earnings. The platform provides detailed guidance on how to invite friends and grow your team to maximize your income potential.

In the “Personal” section, find your “Invitation Link”, click to copy it, and send it to your friends without changing the invitation code.

How To Withdraw your Earnings

  • Navigate to “Home”, select “Withdrawal”, input the withdrawal amount, bind your bank card, and confirm.
  • Minimum withdrawal is ₦600, and it takes up to 72 hours to reach your bank account.
  • A 5% withdrawal fee applies.

Is IFF-Scent.com Legit or Scam?

iff-scent.com is real and legit.


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