Teck-ng Review – Is Teck-ng.com Legit or Scam

What is Teck-ng.com 

In the ever-evolving landscape of online investment opportunities, Teck-ng.com has emerged as a new player, promising to revolutionize the way individuals make money. But what exactly is Teck-ng.com?

Teck-ng.com is an investment platform that centers its operations around renewable energy sources. With a promise of daily returns on investment ranging from 25% to a staggering 40%, it has certainly caught the attention of many prospective investors.

How to Join Teck-ng.com 

Joining Teck-ng.com is relatively straightforward. To get started, all you need is an internet connection and a device to access their platform. The registration process is quick, and you can even kickstart your journey with a generous welcome bonus of 500 naira. The minimum investment amount is 2000 naira, and you can withdraw your earnings once you’ve accumulated at least 1000 naira.

How to Make Money on Teck-ng.com 

The core attraction of Teck-ng.com lies in its investment plans. With several options to choose from, here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

  • Cadmium Sticks: Invest ₦2000 and receive a daily dividend of 25% (₦500) for 30 days, totaling 750% (₦15000).
  • Cadmium Billet: At a higher tier, invest ₦50000 and enjoy a 30% daily dividend (₦15000) over 30 days, accumulating a total dividend of 900% (₦450000).

The higher your investment, the higher the potential return. However, as with any investment, there are associated risks, so it’s crucial to invest wisely and within your financial capabilities.

Teck-ng.com Investment Plans

Teck-ng.com offers a range of investment plans catering to different financial capacities. These plans not only diversify your investment portfolio but also allow you to choose what suits you best. Here’s a summary:

Cadmium Sticks 1: ₦2000 investment, 25% daily dividend, 750% total dividend, 30-day cycle.

Cadmium Sticks 2: ₦5000 investment, 26% daily dividend, 780% total dividend, 30-day cycle.

Cadmium Sticks 3: ₦10000 investment, 27% daily dividend, 810% total dividend, 30-day cycle.

Cadmium Sticks 4: ₦20000 investment, 28% daily dividend, 840% total dividend, 30-day cycle.

Cadmium Billet 1: ₦50000 investment, 30% daily dividend, 900% total dividend, 30-day cycle.

Cadmium Billet 2: ₦100000 investment, 32% daily dividend, 960% total dividend, 30-day cycle.

Cadmium Billet 3: ₦200000 investment, 35% daily dividend, 1050% total dividend, 30-day cycle.

Cadmium Billet 4: ₦500000 investment, 40% daily dividend, 1200% total dividend, 30-day cycle.

It’s essential to carefully consider your financial goals and risk tolerance before choosing an investment plan.

Make Money on Teck-ng.com through Referrals

Teck-ng.com encourages its investors to bring others on board through its referral program. By inviting friends, you can enjoy up to a 25% commission and an initial bonus of ₦200 for your first invite at Level 1.

As you progress through different levels, your promotion income increases. Levels 1 to 4 offer percentages of 25%, 3%, 2%, and 1%, respectively, while Levels 6 to 10 provide a 0.5% income. Additionally, there’s a bonus pool that distributes daily promotion income, with the top positions receiving substantial percentages.

Is Teck-ng.com Legit or Scam? 

Teck-ng.com claims to be associated with a reputable Canadian mining company, Teck (https://www.teck.com/about/). However, it’s important to note that this appears to be a deceptive move to gain trust. Teck is a well-established mining company, but there is no official affiliation with Teck-ng.com.

Furthermore, Teck-ng.com has replicated the “about us” page from Teck’s official website, including photos. This raises significant red flags about the authenticity and transparency of Teck-ng.com’s operations.

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