Review | Legit or Scam is a newly launched online platform that claims to offer investment opportunities with high returns. According to their website, presents itself as a Germany-based engineering firm, supposedly founded in 2004. They state that their mission is to provide innovative solutions and strive for perfection.

How to Join

Joining is relatively straightforward, but we strongly advise against it due to the suspicious nature of this platform. To become a member, you typically need to follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Website: Visit Registration page
  2. Registration: Sign up for an account on their platform. This usually involves providing your personal information, including your name, email address, and payment details.
  3. Deposit Funds: To participate in their investment plans, you need to deposit a minimum amount, which is currently set at ₦2,700. Please note that the minimum deposit amount may change over time.
  4. Choose an Investment Plan: offers various investment plans, each tied to different equipment types. You select a plan based on the amount you’re willing to invest and the promised daily income.
  5. Wait for Returns: claims that by investing in their plans, you can earn daily returns ranging from 30% to 50% of your initial investment.

How to Make Money on claims that you can make money by investing in their engineering equipment plans. Here are the general steps involved in making money on (although we strongly advise against it):

  1. Select an Investment Plan: Choose an equipment type and corresponding investment plan from’s offerings.
  2. Deposit Funds: Deposit the required amount of money to participate in your chosen plan.
  3. Daily Earnings: According to, you will receive daily income based on the plan you selected. The promised returns are extremely high, ranging from 30% to 50% daily, which is a significant red flag.
  4. Withdraw Profits: If you manage to accumulate profits, you can request withdrawals, but based on the information provided, there seems to be a minimum withdrawal amount of ₦1,000. Investment Plans offers various investment plans associated with different types of engineering equipment. These plans include equipment such as drills, angle grinders, electric saws, and more. Each plan requires a specific initial investment and promises a daily income based on the type of equipment and investment amount. However, it’s crucial to emphasize that these promised returns are exceptionally high and should be viewed with extreme skepticism.


  • Price: ₦2,700.00
  • Daily Income: ₦837.00

Angle Grinders

  • Price: ₦4,800.00
  • Daily Income: ₦1,536.00

Electric Saws

  • Price: ₦9,600.00
  • Daily Income: ₦3,168.00

Electric Planers

  • Price: ₦27,000.00
  • Daily Income: ₦9,180.00

Paint Sprayer

  • Price: ₦48,000.00
  • Daily Income: ₦16,800.00

Welding Machine

  • Price: ₦78,000.00
  • Daily Income: ₦28,860.00

Batteries Charger

  • Price: ₦96,000.00
  • Daily Income: ₦37,440.00

Water Pump

  • Price: ₦180,000.00
  • Daily Income: ₦73,800.00

Portable Generator

  • Price: ₦270,000.00
  • Daily Income: ₦118,800.00


  • Price: ₦480,000.00
  • Daily Income: ₦225,600.00


  • Price: ₦780,000.00
  • Daily Income: ₦397,800.00


  • Price: ₦960,000.00
  • Daily Income: ₦585,600.00

Make Money on Through Referrals offers a profitable referral program:
You will obtain 30% of level 1 referral’s deposit amount as commission, 2% of level 2 and 1% of level 3. So bulid your team now to
earn big commission.

Is Legit or a Scam?

Based on our analysis and the information available, is a Ponzi website. Here are the key reasons for this conclusion:

  1. Impersonation: has impersonated a legitimate German-based company, Ronixhub, by copying their “About Us” information and other content. This is a deceptive tactic designed to make the platform appear genuine.
  2. Unrealistic Returns: promises daily returns of 30% to 50%, which is an unrealistic and unsustainable rate of return. Such high returns are a common characteristic of Ponzi schemes.

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