Review | Legit or Scam? is a newly emerging investment platform that we are going to delve into today. This platform identifies itself as a global mining and metals company that creates value by producing resources used in various aspects of modern life. They claim that their operations, development strategies, and exploration initiatives encompass a wide range of commodities and geographical locations. Furthermore, emphasizes minimizing the negative impact of its activities while aiming to provide enduring value for all stakeholders at every stage of the mining lifecycle.

How to Join

To become a part of the community, follow these simple steps:

  1. Create an Account: Start by signing up through their registration link.

How to Make Money on

Earning on is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can make money:

  1. Investment Plans: offers various investment plans with different durations and prices. Choose the one that suits your budget and goals. Once you invest, you’ll start receiving daily returns based on your chosen plan.
    • Alumina (90 Days) – ₦1500 investment for ₦420 daily return.
    • Aluminium (90 Days) – ₦2500 investment for ₦750 daily return.
    • Copper (90 Days) – ₦5000 investment for ₦1600 daily return.
    • Silver (90 Days) – ₦10000 investment for ₦3400 daily return.
    • Lead (90 Days) – ₦25000 investment for ₦9000 daily return.
    • Zinc (90 Days) – ₦50000 investment for ₦19000 daily return.
    • Nickel (90 Days) – ₦100000 investment for ₦40000 daily return.
    • Manganese (90 Days) – ₦250000 investment for ₦105000 daily return.
    • Metallurgical Coal (90 Days) – ₦500000 investment for ₦220000 daily return.
    • Bauxite (90 Days) – ₦1000000 investment for ₦460000 daily return.
  2. Team Commission: You can also make money through team commissions. When someone you refer (Level 1 referral) makes a payment, you earn 30% of their payment amount as a referral bonus. Additionally, you receive 4% of Level 2 referrals’ payments and 1% of Level 3 referrals’ payments. Investment Plans offers various investment plans, each with its own unique features. These plans cater to different investment preferences and are designed to provide you with daily returns. Here is an overview of the available investment plans:


  • Duration: 90 Days
  • Price: ₦1500
  • Daily Return: ₦420


  • Duration: 90 Days
  • Price: ₦2500
  • Daily Return: ₦750


  • Duration: 90 Days
  • Price: ₦5000
  • Daily Return: ₦1600


  • Duration: 90 Days
  • Price: ₦10000
  • Daily Return: ₦3400


  • Duration: 90 Days
  • Price: ₦25000
  • Daily Return: ₦9000


  • Duration: 90 Days
  • Price: ₦50000
  • Daily Return: ₦19000


  • Duration: 90 Days
  • Price: ₦100000
  • Daily Return: ₦40000


  • Duration: 90 Days
  • Price: ₦250000
  • Daily Return: ₦105000

Metallurgical Coal

  • Duration: 90 Days
  • Price: ₦500000
  • Daily Return: ₦220000


  • Duration: 90 Days
  • Price: ₦1000000
  • Daily Return: ₦460000

Make Money on Through Referrals

Earning through referrals is another way to boost your income on Here’s how it works:

  • Level 1 Referrals: When someone you refer makes a payment, you’ll receive a 30% bonus based on their payment amount.
  • Level 2 Referrals: You can also earn by referring Level 2 members, where you receive 4% of their payment amount.
  • Level 3 Referrals: Lastly, for Level 3 referrals, you earn 1% of their payment amount.

Is Legit or Scam? is a Nigerian-based investment platform that recently launched on October 23, 2023. It’s important to note that has elements of a high-yield investment program (HYIP) and a referral system. These types of programs can be risky, and it’s essential to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before investing your money.

If you choose to participate in, consider doing so with a clear understanding of the potential risks involved. Early investors may indeed benefit, but it’s crucial to be aware that high returns often come with high risks. As with any investment, there is no guarantee of success, and you should only invest what you can afford to lose.

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