Review | Legit or Scam?

Welcome to, a platform that claims to offer a unique investment opportunity in the world of car rentals. Launched on November 20, 2023, presents itself as a place where users can invest their money, with the promise of daily returns. In this review, we will explore the platform’s features, investment plans, and whether it lives up to its claims or if it falls into the realm of yet another ponzi scheme.

How to Join

Joining is a straightforward process. To get started, you need to visit their website at Once there, you can find the registration link here. The minimum investment required is 1,000 naira, and the process is designed to be user-friendly, allowing individuals to participate in what the platform terms as an investment in car rentals.

How to Make Money on claims to generate profits by utilizing the funds from investors to finance the purchase of cars. These cars are then rented out on a daily basis, with the revenue generated used to pay daily interest to the investors. The platform offers a variety of investment plans, each with its own duration and corresponding returns. Users can choose a plan that suits their investment preferences and financial goals. Investment Plans

The investment plans offered by are diverse, allowing users to choose based on their investment capacity and desired returns. Here is an overview of the available plans:

  1. Product 1
    • Invest: ₦1,000.00
    • Duration: 15 Days
    • Amount: ₦334.00
  2. Product 2
    • Invest: ₦2,000.00
    • Duration: 15 Days
    • Amount: ₦668.00
  3. Product 3
    • Invest: ₦4,000.00
    • Duration: 20 Days
    • Amount: ₦1,335.00
  4. Product 4
    • Invest: ₦8,000.00
    • Duration: 20 Days
    • Amount: ₦2,669.00
  5. Product 5
    • Invest: ₦11,000.00
    • Duration: 20 Days
    • Amount: ₦3,669.00
  6. Product 6
    • Invest: ₦20,000.00
    • Duration: 20 Days
    • Amount: ₦6,680.00
  7. Product 7
    • Invest: ₦40,000.00
    • Duration: 20 Days
    • Amount: ₦13,400.00
  8. Product 8
    • Invest: ₦60,000.00
    • Duration: 25 Days
    • Amount: ₦20,100.00
  9. Product 9
    • Invest: ₦100,000.00
    • Duration: 25 Days
    • Amount: ₦33,500.00
  10. Product 10
    • Invest: ₦300,000.00
    • Duration: 30 Days
    • Amount: ₦100,200.00

Make Money on Through Referrals

Aside from the investment plans, offers additional earning opportunities through referrals. Users can earn referral commissions at different levels:

  • First level referral: 19%
  • Second level referral: 3%
  • Third level referral: 1%

This provides users with the chance to increase their earnings by bringing in new investors to the platform.

Is Legit or Scam?

The legitimacy of comes into question due to various red flags. The platform, launched on November 20, 2023, is a relatively new player in the market, and the lack of transparency raises concerns. Here are some red flags to consider:

  1. Exaggerated Profit Potential: The company emphasizes quick and high returns without clear details on how profits are generated.
  2. Unclear Profit Generation: fails to provide clear information on how it generates profits from the investments made by users.
  3. Emphasis on Income Potential: Marketing materials focus more on income potential rather than the actual product or service offered by the platform.
  4. Fear Tactics: The use of fear tactics to convince investors to act quickly raises concerns about the stability of the platform.

Given these red flags, appears to operate as a ponzi scheme. It’s important to note that such schemes can collapse at any time, making it a risky venture for investors. Joining early is advised, but caution is necessary.

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