Review | Legit or Scam?

Are you wondering if is a real deal or just a scam? We’ve got you covered! has been making waves on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, promising users a whopping 100 GB of free internet data from Google. But is it too good to be true? Let’s find out.

How Scam Works

You might have seen this message online:

“If you want to get 100GB (internet) free from Google, valid for two months ~ type in Google search this word → BMB9 and enter the first site, and you will take it.”

This message attracts users into visiting and sharing the link on their social media profiles. It all sounds too enticing, but is there a catch?

After conducting a thorough review, we have reached a conclusion that is a scam website. It tricks users into sharing the website link and divulging their personal information on its website. Here’s how it works:

  1. When you visit, you’re greeted with a questionnaire. You need to answer a few questions to supposedly qualify for the free data. The first question asks, “How did you find out about our site?”
  2. Next, you’re led to another page with another question: “What websites do you want to use the 100 GB for?” It sounds innocent enough, right?
  3. Here’s where it gets tricky. The website requests your phone number, making you believe you’re one step closer to that 100 GB of data.
  4. Congratulations… Not So Fast!: After entering your phone number, you’re taken to the final page, where it says, “Congratulations, you got 100 GB free to use for two months. You have one last step to activate the gift.”
  5. Share on Facebook: The last step is the biggest red flag. asks you to copy and paste a message onto Facebook in 15 different comments. The message claims you can get 100GB of free internet data by searching “BMB9” on Google.


In reality, this is nothing but a clever scheme to collect your personal data and profit from advertisements. There is no legitimate way to receive 100 GB of data through this process. It’s a fake offer designed to deceive users.

How To Protect Yourself

Our advice to you is simple: Be cautious when you come across such websites. Don’t share your personal information or engage in activities that could compromise your privacy or security. Scams like are all too common on the internet, and it’s essential to stay vigilant and informed.

In conclusion, is not a legitimate source of free internet data. It’s a scam that preys on unsuspecting users. Remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Stay safe online, and don’t fall for the scam!

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