Review | Legit or Scam?

Currently in Nigeria, with the dwindling naira value, fuel subsidy removal and high unemployment rate, a lot of Nigerians are looking for means to earn extra income online. claims to be investment platform, supposedly backed by the reputation of Credit Suisse, a well-known Swiss finance company. Operating under this guise, the platform aims to attract investors in Nigeria with the promise of substantial daily returns on their investments.


How to Join

Registration: Begin by creating an account using the provided registration link.

Investment Plans: Once registered, access your dashboard to explore the  various investment plans offered by Credit Suisse.

Select Your Plan: Choose an investment plan that aligns with your financial goals and click on the “Buy” button associated with that plan.

Transfer Funds: Following your selection, you’ll be provided with an account number to which you need to transfer your investment amount.

Submission: On the same page, input the remittance bank account details and sender’s name, then submit the payment.


How to Make Money on entices potential investors with lucrative investment plans, each offering different profit percentages and durations. Here’s a snapshot of their investment plans:

1. Latin America Investment Plan

  • Price: ₦5000
  • Profit Percentage: 1800%
  • Daily Profit: ₦1500
  • Total Revenue: ₦90000
  • Duration: 60 days

2. Iberian Peninsula Investment Plan

  • Price: ₦10000
  • Profit Percentage: 1860%
  • Daily Profit: ₦3100
  • Total Revenue: ₦186000
  • Duration: 60 days

3. UK Investment Plan

  • Price: ₦30000
  • Profit Percentage: 1920%
  • Daily Profit: ₦9600
  • Total Revenue: ₦576000
  • Duration: 60 days

4. Berlin Investment Plan

  • Price: ₦50000
  • Profit Percentage: 2040%
  • Daily Profit: ₦17000
  • Total Revenue: ₦1020000
  • Duration: 60 days

5. Egypt Investment Plan

  • Price: ₦100000
  • Profit Percentage: 2160%
  • Daily Profit: ₦36000
  • Total Revenue: ₦2160000
  • Duration: 60 days

6. Virginia Investment Plan

  • Price: ₦300000
  • Profit Percentage: 2340%
  • Daily Profit: ₦117000
  • Total Revenue: ₦7020000
  • Duration: 60 days

7. Maryland Investment Plan

  • Price: ₦500000
  • Profit Percentage: 5160%
  • Daily Profit: ₦215000
  • Total Revenue: ₦12900000
  • Duration: 120 days

8. Montgomery Investment Plan

  • Price: ₦1000000
  • Profit Percentage: 2880%
  • Daily Profit: ₦480000
  • Total Revenue: ₦28800000
  • Duration: 60 days

Understanding the Investment Process

  1. Choose Your Plan: Explore the various array of investment plans and select the one that fits your financial objectives.
  2. Investment Amount: Each plan has an investment amount. Make sure you have the funds ready to start your journey.
  3. Daily and Total Revenue: The plans outline the daily profit you can expect, as well as the total revenue over the plan’s duration. This information empowers you to anticipate returns.
  4. Duration: Be aware of the plan’s duration, as this will determine when you can expect to reap the rewards of your investment.
  5. Details and Purchase: Click on the “Details” button to gain deeper insights into the plan. When you’re ready, hit “BUY” to initiate the investment process.

Is Legit or Scam? is a ponzi scheme and scam impersonating Credit Suisse, a swiss bank, with the intent of scamming unsuspecting Nigerians of their hard earned money.

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