Teslahightech.com Review | Legit or Scam?

In this blog post, we’ll delve into Teslahightech.com, a recently launched investment platform that claims to provide an opportunity for users to make money online. Officially released on September 24, Teslahightech.com operates on a model where it receives investments from people and promises to pay them daily interest, ranging from 20% to 30%. This platform, like many others, touts various benefits, including a sign-up bonus of #200.

How to Join Teslahightech.com

Joining Teslahightech.com is a straightforward process. To become a member, you need to create a new account using this registration link provided by the platform. It’s essential to exercise caution when sharing personal information and ensure that the platform’s website URL is legitimate to avoid falling victim to potential scams.

How to Make Money on Teslahightech.com

Teslahightech.com offers several ways to make money:

  1. Make Money from Investments: The primary method of earning on Teslahightech.com is through investments. The platform presents nine investment plans with hourly payouts, providing daily returns on investments ranging from 10% to 25%. The minimum investment plan starts at #2,700 and offers a daily income of #270 for 27 days. For instance, if you invest #2,700, you will receive #270 daily for the specified period.

    Here are some of the investment plans offered:

    • Portable power supply: +270.00% return in 27 days.
    • Multipurpose power supply: +389.22% return in 37 days.
    • Car charging bag: +411.11% return in 37 days.
    • Home car charging: +435.43% return in 37 days.
    • Home car fast charging: +462.54% return in 37 days.
    • Super charger V3: +493.32% return in 37 days.
    • Super charger V4: +544.10% return in 37 days.
    • 2023 model 3 (10-day rental): +158.82% return in 10 days.
    • 2023 model Y (7-day rental): +164.94% return in 7 days.
  2. Make Money from Referrals: Teslahightech.com features a referral program that allows users to earn commissions by inviting others to join and invest. When your referrals make investments, you receive a 20% commission on the investment amount. For example, if your referral invests #10,000, you automatically earn #2,000.
  3. Make Money as an Agent: The platform offers salary benefits to employees and agents. Becoming an agent entitles you to receive weekly salaries, which are calculated based on your team’s investment amount. The salary structure is as follows:
    • #0 – #499,999: 10% as a weekly salary.
    • #500,000 – #999,999: 15% as a weekly salary.
    • #1 million and above: 17% as a weekly salary.

Is Teslahightech.com Legit or a Scam?

Teslahightech.com operates on a model that promises significant returns on investment, which is often a characteristic of high-risk ventures. It’s essential to exercise caution and perform thorough research before investing in any platform that offers such returns.

Teslahightech.com is described as a long-term ponzi scheme. Ponzi schemes are notorious for promising high returns but often collapse when new investments fail to cover the returns promised to earlier investors.


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